Video and Audio AI Tools for Training

Video and Audio AI Tools for Training

Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming the way we learn and develop our skills. In particular, video and audio AI tools for training quickly make learning more engaging, interactive, and personalized. Previously, I introduced how AI would play a leading role in...
The Hybrid Workplace: Challenges and Solutions

The Hybrid Workplace: Challenges and Solutions

The hybrid workplace is a reality for many companies, as they strive to adapt to a rapidly changing business landscape. However, the shift to a hybrid workplace is not without its challenges. In order to thrive, companies must overcome these obstacles and embrace the...
Step-by-Step Guide To Creating A Learner Persona

Step-by-Step Guide To Creating A Learner Persona

Introduction Borrowed from the concept of Buyer Personas in the marketing world, a learner persona is an individualized representation of your ideal learner. It’s a tool that helps you better understand who your learners are and how best to serve them—and it can help...
8 Ways to Improve Your eLearning Visuals

8 Ways to Improve Your eLearning Visuals

Elearning visuals are a powerful tool for conveying meaning in learning solutions and there’s techniques we can leverage from marketers who consistently perfect the art of communicative visuals. They can help to simplify complex information, engage audiences,...